Monday, August 10, 2009

Eagles & Bears in Haines

Although Haines is the “Valley of Eagles”, we didn't see too many. Most were perched high up and in the Spruce trees, making photography unrewarding. We were camped in a really nice RV park, but we spent most of our time scouting the nearby streams for bears or eagles, mostly to no avail. Our reason for going to Haines was to catch the Alaska Ferry boat to take us from Haines to Prince Rupert, BC, Canada. Of course, we did want to see the bears and eagles for which the location is famous.

God has such a wonderful sense of timing. Here is what happened. We departed the RV park the morning of the 6th and headed to the Ferry Terminal. When I went to the ticket counter to check-in, the clerk indulgently informed me that my ferry wouldn't leave until after the one at the dock had left...and wouldn't I, please, move my truck and camper out of the vehicle line. I don't do well with egg on my face. Hastily, I did a U-turn in the parking lot and hit the road. It turns out that this road, after passing the ferry terminal, runs alongside about a mile of stream in which the salmon were running. We had driven that stretch several times in search of photo-opportunities. One more time we eased down that road. The resulting pictures I took on the return trip. Is that perfect timing, or what?

Bear coveting Eagle's catch.

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